Sales Optimization

The simple sales funnel boils down to Awareness, Interest, Consideration, Action. Your sales team should have limited involvement in the Awareness and Interest levels, because that’s marketing’s job. What does a sales person in the awareness level look like? He is a telemarketer, cold calling people that aren’t interested or even aware of the product he is selling. This is a hard potential customer to close.

The golden leads are qualified leads; people who have shown interest in your products and interacted with your company in some way. This should be an automatic close. How do you bring them across the finish line? You need to be an expert about your product or service, as well an expert within the industry. People want to talk to someone that is a resource. For your pitch, think consultant first, sales person second. How can you help them solve their problems?  Next, you want tools: pitch decks, and general information readily available to submit to potential clients. These materials showcase your company’s performance, skill, value and may also dive into the specifics of your product or service, like pricing.


Sales Training:

  • Analysis of Sales Process and Resources
  • Comprehensive Sales Strategy
  • Pitch Training and Talking Points
  • Creation of Promotional Materials
  • HR Recommendations for Commission and Bonuses
  • Goal Setting